7th June 2023
We are delighted to announce that Windsor Academy Trust is actively supporting “The Big Help Out” initiative during the momentous occasion of King Charles’ coronation year.
As a civic organisation, we understand that schools and students thrive best when communities do. As such, we believe it is our duty to foster a spirit of community service, compassion and unity across our family of schools. The Big Help Out perfectly aligns with our values - and Big Move 3 of our strategy around civic leadership - and presents another opportunity for us to make a positive impact within our local communities.
The Big Help Out is a nationwide campaign aimed at encouraging individuals, organisations and communities to come together and make a difference through acts of kindness, volunteering and supporting those in need. It is a collaborative effort initiated to commemorate King Charles’ coronation year and uphold his vision of a compassionate and inclusive society.
At Windsor Academy Trust, our students already regularly undertake civic activities that will make a positive difference in their communities. The Big Help Out provides another opportunity to teach the importance of volunteering and civic and social responsibility. By actively participating in this campaign, we can inspire our students to develop a lifelong commitment to helping others and create a positive impact that extends beyond the walls of our schools.
As we embark on this momentous year of King Charles’ coronation, let us come together as a community to support The Big Help Out. By engaging in acts of kindness, volunteering and supporting those in need, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.
To find out more about The Big Help Out, please visit https://thebighelpout.org.uk/