Windsor Academy Trust, Trinity Point, High St, Halesowen B63 3HY
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WAT Collaborative INSET Day: Celebrating Growth, Collaboration and Belonging

9th December 2024

On Monday, 9th December, 1,300 staff from across the Windsor Academy Trust family came together for an inspiring collaborative INSET day. Held at the Telford International Centre and Great Wyrley Academy, the day was a celebration of professional growth, collaboration, and belonging, reflecting WAT’s commitment to excellence and continuous improvement.

Festivities with ‘WAT a Carol’
The day began and ended on a high note with WAT a Carol, a stunning production created by Dave Cotterill, WAT Head of Performance. Featuring students from across the WAT family, the performance was a heartwarming celebration of talent and unity. Whether catching it in the morning or at the end of the day, it left staff and students alike inspired and filled with festive spirit. This beautiful production perfectly encapsulated the joy and togetherness that defines the Windsor Academy Trust family.

Watch the video here

Empowering Teachers Through Collaboration and Belonging
At the Telford International Centre, over 900 teaching staff gathered to explore the theme of Belonging Through the Lens of Metacognition and Self-Regulation.

The morning began with an inspiring keynote from CEO Dawn Haywood, who highlighted the importance of creating a culture of belonging within classrooms and schools. This was followed by sessions led by Denarius Frazier, co-author of Reconnect: Building School Culture for Meaning, Purpose, and Belonging.

Denarius delivered thought-provoking sessions on The What to Do Cycle and Active Observation, offering practical strategies to help teachers create positive classroom cultures. His insights into fostering student engagement, improving teaching effectiveness, and embedding belonging as part of everyday learning left staff inspired and equipped with actionable ideas.

Collaborative Workshops
The day also featured hands-on workshops where teachers had the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues across the WAT family. These sessions included:

  • Sharing effective lesson plans and approaches to embed metacognitive strategies into teaching.

  • Reflecting on current practices and identifying ways to empower students to take ownership of their learning.

  • Exploring practical techniques to help students develop self-regulation skills, supporting both their academic and personal growth.

Teachers left the workshops with a wealth of ideas, ready to implement strategies in their classrooms to enhance student engagement and success.

Closing Reflections
The day concluded with inspiring reflections from Dan Owen, Director of Education, and Leanne Bridgwood, Director of Primary. They celebrated the power of collaboration and the shared commitment to unlocking the academic and personal potential of every student across the WAT family.

Professional Services: Building Resilience and Unlocking Potential
Professional services staff gathered at Great Wyrley Academy for a programme tailored to their vital roles in supporting the success of our schools and students. The sessions included:

  • Pastoral and Attendance Staff: Led by Gemma Holmes and Lou Holloway, this session explored best practices to support students and families in maintaining positive school attendance, reinforcing the critical role of pastoral care in student success.

  • Catering Managers: Lisa Newton, with support from Relish, facilitated sessions on effective stock management, ordering systems, and operational processes, equipping teams with strategies to ensure smooth daily operations in school kitchens.

  • Estates Team: Keith Hicklin led interactive workshops centred on teamwork, communication, and planning, helping to ensure that WAT schools remain safe, welcoming, and well-maintained environments for learning.

  • IT Team: Dave Buckley delivered advanced technical training on Azure systems, PC builds, dynamic group allocations, and FOG server management, empowering IT staff to further strengthen the Trust’s digital infrastructure.

  • Finance Team: Alex Webb facilitated a team-building workshop that focused on strengthening collaboration and efficiency within financial operations, promoting effective teamwork across the department.

  • Admin, HR, and Marketing Teams: Gathering in the theatre, these teams participated in an inspiring session titled Finding Your Voice, led by Nick and Zoe. This session focused on helping attendees discover their unique perspectives, build confidence, and refine their communication to enhance their professional impact.

Inspiring Keynotes: Nick Elston and Zoe Thompson

The professional services programme was elevated by the inspiring contributions of Nick Elston and Zoe Thompson. Nick, a renowned motivational speaker, delivered impactful sessions including Find Your Voice and Building Resilience. His practical advice, relatable storytelling, and energising style empowered attendees to communicate confidently, navigate challenges, and build personal resilience.

Zoe Thompson, a coach and wellbeing expert, co-delivered sessions alongside Nick, bringing her expertise in personal development and mental health. Together, they provided a dynamic and supportive environment, equipping staff with valuable tools to enhance their confidence and manage the pressures of their roles. 

A Celebration of Growth and Unity
The collaborative INSET day was a celebration of professional growth, collaboration, and belonging. Staff left inspired, equipped with new ideas, and ready to continue making a positive impact on students’ lives.

Our thanks go to everyone who made the day a success, from our talented students to our brilliant speakers and dedicated staff. Together, we continue to build a stronger WAT family, committed to excellence for all.